Saturday, August 2, 2014

Detroit: I love this park!

(From Penny)
I wasn't especially looking forward to Detroit. I had been there several times for crew meets when my daughter was a rower. The crew members were teenagers, and we didn't have the right information on where we should have stayed. Let me put it another way. We stayed in places we could afford, and we didn't feel especially safe. So my experiences then made me a little leery of going back. I just wanted to check Detroit off the list and move on. Imagine my surprise when I loved the park! From the time we parked the car, people everywhere were extremely friendly and helpful. We talked to a group of Cleveland fans in the parking lot that had even been to my hometown, Fayetteville, West Virginia.

Ok, I like bells and whistles and yes, I feel kinda guilty that I like the new parks with lots of entertainment, instead of the classics like Fenway. Does that make me a terrible fan? 

I do enjoy the history of the parks, however, so in that respect I enjoyed studying and learning about Wrigley and Fenway. However, I like it when they make it easy for me by putting it right in front of me. I think these displays are genius. A nod to the motor industry mixed with baseball history.
These statues are made to show the players in motion. I love them! There is one for Charlie Gehringer, Hank Grenberg, Ty Cobb, Willie Horton, Al Kaline, and Hal Newhouser. They really are beautiful.
Love the history displayed throughout.
This fellow can be found in the food court.
I really wanted to take a ride on this but was too busy eating the biggest pretzel ever made.
Throw some coins in to make a wish. Oh, how I wish we lived close to this park!
Here it is... a pretzel like none other. We couldn't find where to get these, so I asked our very friendly usher. She said we had to be sitting in the chairs with wait staff - but she hooked us up. If you want to meet people and make new friends, order one of these and sit down at a picnic table. We ended up sharing this with at least three different families!
Randy got us great seats again.

Nick Swisher, our hometown boy, had a pretty bad day.
Of course, you would expect racing cars in the motor city.
Home run!
Photo bombed....again.

Thumbs up
Beautiful park
Crowd enthusiasm
Food selection- vegetarian and vegan options available. 

Thumbs Down
I can't think of any, I loved this park!

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