Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Game 2, Opening Day 2013, Nationals Park

Penny's Perspective
Randy and I ended up in Maryland over the Easter holiday. My sister lives in Germantown and suggested we go to Open Day at Nationals Park. We made many trips from her house to Camden Yards while my kids were growing up, so I was pretty excited about visiting a stadium I had not been to. Plus, my sister is a ton of fun to go to games with. Back in the day, we were huge Cal Ripkin fans and would hang around the park after the games waiting for the post-game interviews to see if Cal would be interviewed. My kids could tell you stories that would be great exaggerations about our adventures there. We sometimes forget about the game and get a little too interested in the players, but I won’t go into that!

I may have heard of Bryce Harper, but after reading an article in the Washington Post I was pretty intrigued and excited to see him. Here is a kid who is 20 years old, cute, talented, and a Major League Baseball player! Whoo-hoo!

We ordered tickets at what I thought was a pretty shameful cost and headed off for a mini-vacation. I mentioned the cost of the ticket because I am a shameless bargain hunter, and when I saw the giveaway was a Nats hat, I was all about being in the first 25,000 to get to the stadium. I was rushing everyone to leave the house, get on the Metro, and get to the park for that free hat. Ridiculous, but it did come in handy when we had a short drizzle of rain.

There was a lot of excitement generated by Opening Day. I thought the opening ceremony was outstanding. I’m so patriotic that the singing of the national anthem makes me tear up, so when a gigantic flag was unfurled I was all about it!

The scoreboard was excellent! It was just the kind I like. Big enough to see easily and perfectly placed.

We had what I thought were pretty good seats in section 113, and the little bar right behind it makes a decent Bloody Mary. Bryce hit two home runs and Strasburg pitched a shut out, which added to Opening Day excitement. Except for the lady who sat behind us and threw her peanut shells on us the entire time, it was a good time!
Thumbs up

crowd enthusiasm


event staff



free programs

Thumbs down

Goofy mascots

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